Portrait of John Winthrop, a 17th-century governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. (Artist unknown, c. 1630-1691.)
Prof. Pauline Maier
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2010
Course Description
Course Features
Course Highlights
This course contains archived syllabi from various semesters.
Course Description
This course provides a basic history of American social, economic, and political development from the colonial period through the Civil War. It examines the colonial heritages of Spanish and British America; the American Revolution and its impact; the establishment and growth of the new nation; and the Civil War, its background, character, and impact. Readings include writings of the period by J. Winthrop, T. Paine, T. Jefferson, J. Madison, W. H. Garrison, G. Fitzhugh, H. B. Stowe, and A. Lincoln.