Kanji 19

Each character entry below contains a ≤1 MB QuickTime movie of the character being painted with a brush, created by Prof. Saeko Komori of Chubu University. Please see the JP Net Kanji Project for more details.

In the following definitions, on (Chinese-based) readings are represented by katakana, and by capital romaji letters; kun (native Japanese-based) readings are represented by hiragana, and by lower-case romaji letters. This is a common dictionary convention, and does not have any bearing on meaning.


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: た (つ)/た (てる) ta

Meaning: to stand up

A person standing with feet firmly planted on the ground.

Usage Examples:
立つ (たつ) stand up
立てる (たてる) erect


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: う (る)/バイ u/BAI

Meaning: to sell

Some day you will write and sell a good book that people read .

Usage Examples:
売る (うる) sell
売店 (ばいてん) kiosk


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: KA

Meaning: section; lesson

The word radical and a fruit 果物 [くだもの].

Usage Examples:
課長 (かちょう) section chief


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: ハツ HATSU

Meaning: to start; to depart

Open the gate right now. People are leaving in all directions!

Usage Examples:
十時発 (じゅうじはつ) (train) departing at 10:00
京都発 (きょうとはつ) (train) departing Kyoto


Printed form:

Video: Writing and pronunciation

Readings: あつ (まる)/あつ (める) atsu

Meaning: to gather

Birds gathering on a tree . [曜 (よう) "days of week"; 難 (むずか[しい]) "difficult"]

Usage Examples:
集める (あつめる) gather
集まる (あつまる) come together


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: みなみ minami

Meaning: south

Can you see the image of a white-stoned church building in New Mexico?

Usage Examples:
南 (みなみ) south
南口 (みなみぐち) south entrance
南アメリカ (みなみアメリカ) South America


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: きた kita

Meaning: north

Two persons facing back to back.

Usage Examples:
北 (きた) north
北口 (きたぐち) north entrance


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form: 西

Readings: にし nishi

Meaning: west

A picture of a pitcher with lid.

Usage Examples:
西 (にし) west
西口 (にしぐち) west entrance


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: カイ kai

Meaning: turn; time(s)

A neat design of squares repeated several times.

Usage Examples:
一回 (いっかい) once


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: つ (ける) tsu

Meaning: to attach

A person with pulse . [時 (とき; ジ) "time"]

Usage Examples:
受付 (うけつけ) receptionist


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: FU

Meaning: tally

The bamboo radical and the kanji for attachment.

Usage Examples:
切符 (きっぷ) ticket


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: テツ TETSU

Meaning: iron

Metal gradually lost through oxidation. [銀 (ぎん) "silver"]

Usage Examples:
地下鉄 (ちかてつ) subway


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: か (える) ka

Meaning: to exchange

People 夫夫 are changing day by day .

Usage Examples:
両替 (りょうがえ) money exchange


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: BA

Meaning: place

Pigs under the sun in the mud .

Usage Examples:
切符売り場 (きっぷうりば) ticket counter


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: つう(じる) tuu

Meaning: get through

A man with errands and the radical of "advance movement".

Usage Examples:
通じる (つうじる) get through


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: - -

Meaning: (kanji repetition symbol)

A symbol to indicate "pluralism".

Usage Examples:
時々 (ときどき) sometimes
家々 (いえいえ) houses
人々 (ひとびと) people


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: シュウ SYUU

Meaning: state; province; continent

Usage Examples:
マサチューセッツ州 (しゅう) state of Massachusetts


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: セイ SEI

Meaning: govern

Usage Examples:
政治家 (せいじか) politician


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: ジ/ なお (す) ZI / nao (su)

Meaning: govern; rule; cure; heal; remedy; recover

Usage Examples:
かぜが治った。 (かぜがなおった) I recovered from a cold.


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: セイ SEI

Meaning: nature; gender

Usage Examples:
男性 (だんせい) male
女性 (じょせい) female


Video: Writing and pronunciation

Printed form:

Readings: HU

Meaning: general; common

Usage Examples:
普通 (ふつう) ordinary

New Readings

当日 (とうじつ), the very day
東口 (ひがしぐち), east entrance
時々 (ときどき), sometimes
お金 (おかね), money


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