Examples of the tools and applications of probability theory.
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Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
This course introduces students to the modeling, quantification, and analysis of uncertainty. The tools of probability theory, and of the related field of statistical inference, are the keys for being able to analyze and make sense of data. These tools underlie important advances in many fields, from the basic sciences to engineering and management.
Course Format
This course has been designed for independent study. It provides everything you will need to understand the concepts covered in the course. The materials include:
- Lecture Videos by MIT Professor John Tsitsiklis
- Lecture Slides and Readings
- Recitation Problems and Solutions
- Recitation Help Videos by MIT Teaching Assistants
- Tutorial Problems and Solutions
- Tutorial Help Videos by MIT Teaching Assistants
- Problem Sets with Solutions
- Exams with Solutions
Other Versions
Other OCW Versions
OCW has published multiple versions of this subject.