This photograph of Boston's Zakim Bridge represents the three modules — water resources, structures, and large-scale planning — of this design course. (Image courtesy of notanyron on Flickr.)
Prof. Heidi Nepf
Prof. Herbert Einstein
Prof. Louis Bucciarelli
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2006
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
In this sophomore design course, you will be challenged with three design tasks: a first concerning water resources/treatment, a second concerning structural design, and a third focusing on the conceptual (re)design of a large system, Boston's Back Bay. The first two tasks require the design, fabrication and testing of hardware. Several laboratory experiments will be carried out and lectures will be presented to introduce students to the conceptual and experimental basis for design in both domains.
This course was based in large part on the Fall 2005 offering of 1.101, developed by Prof. Harold Hemond.
Other Versions
Other OCW Versions
OCW has published multiple versions of this subject.