Corynebacterium glutamicum. (Photomicrograph courtesy of Dr. Philip Lessard.)
Dr. Janis Melvold
Dr. Philip Lessard
Prof. Anthony Sinskey
MIT Course Number
As Taught In
Fall 2003
Translated Versions
Course Description
Course Features
Course Highlights
The projects section illustrates the student experience of this course and includes a student's final paper as well as other example materials provided by the teaching staff.
Course Description
Also referred to as the Microbial Genetics Project Lab, this is a hands-on research course designed to introduce the student to the strategies and challenges associated with microbiology research. Students take on independent and original research projects that are designed to be instructive with the goal of advancing a specific field of research in microbiology.
Other Versions
Other OCW Versions
OCW has published multiple versions of this subject.