Inflammation plays a strong role in many diseases including cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Targeting the inflammation processes shown in this diagram may be an effective way to prevent and treat such diseases. (Image courtesy of Peter C. Dedon. Used with permission. Artist: Jeff Dixon.)
Prof. John Essigmann
Prof. Darrell Irvine
Prof. Forest White
Dr. Atissa Banuazizi
(Writing Instructor)
Mr. Harlan Breindel
(Writing Instructor)
Dr. Mya Poe
(Writing Instructor)
MIT Course Number
20.380J / 5.22J
As Taught In
Spring 2010
Course Description
Course Features
Course Description
This course illustrates how knowledge and principles of biology, biochemistry, and engineering are integrated to create new products for societal benefit. It uses a case study format to examine recently developed products of pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries: how a product evolves from initial idea, through patents, testing, evaluation, production, and marketing. Emphasizes scientific and engineering principles; the responsibility scientists, engineers, and business executives have for the consequences of their technology; and instruction and practice in written and oral communication.
The topic focus of this class will vary from year to year. This version looks at inflammation underlying many diseases, specifically its role in cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.