Lecture 3 video

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Video Index

  • Gödel's Incompleteness theorem
    There exist things which are true, but not provable. Any system as powerful as number theory, which can prove its own consistency, that system is necessarily inconsistent. Any system as powerful as number theory is necessarily incomplete.
  • Alternate Geometries
    Alternate geometries explored. Hyperbolic and spherical geometries.
  • Little Harmonic Labyrynth
    Discussion of the dialogue and the patterns within.
  • The Development of Calculus
    The discovery of calculus, and its early study by Jesuits. The Jesuits thought the concepts of infinity in calculus would aid in their understanding of the divine.
  • Recursion and Isomorphism
    Introduced and defined. Also the example of Kasparov playing chess and losing to Deep Blue, a super-computer.

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