Studio 1. ---------------------------- Topics: Getting started with R, Counting, Simulation --------------------------- Before class: 1. Post containing studio1.r and colMatches.r 2. Students should download this zip file and unzip it in their 18.05 R directory. --------------------------- For class: 1. Use studio1-slides.pdf 2. Follow class script below. --------------------------- After class: 1. Post studio1-birthdays.r 2. Post studio1-slides-all.pdf (slides with solutions) (For this studio there are no problems requiring solutions, so the posted slides are identical to the in class slides.) --------------------------- Class script 1. Ask each student to announce their birthday in turn, see if there is a match 2. SLIDE 2: Birthday problem: 'today's project is to simulate this in order to estimate the answer' 3. Quick R/RStudio introduction --Everyone should have R/RStudio installed and the file downloaded and unzipped --TEACHER demonstration . Use the command line to add 2+2 . Generate the vector 1:12 --Have class open studio1.r . Encourage class to use the upper left window in R-studio to write and edit commands, so they can be saved. . Run commands by selecting some lines. --TEACHER demonstration . Demonstate lines in studio1.r from top through sample() . Have class play with changing some of the numbers in these lines 4. Dice simulation in studio1.r --TEACHER demonstration from studio1.r . Shows code to source and use colMatches . Teach students to define variables like ntrials at the top of the code so they only have to change it once. . Teach students to comment out code . Show dice matching code . 5. SLIDE 2: Class: studio project to solve the birthday problem (Use the sample code as a guide.) --estimate probability of match for various n --find smallest n with probability > .5 --vary number of trials and think about variablity 6. SLIDE 3: If we want we can show them the plots on slide 3. At this point to allow them to make plots we'll essentially have to write a makeBirthdayPlot function. Plotting code is at the end of studio1.r 6: SLIDE 4: Movies of Johnny Carson trying to understand the birthday problem ----------------