PROPULSION: Learning Objectives:
Given the basic geometry and idealized component performance, to be able
to estimate the thrust and specific impulse of a gas turbine and a rocket
engine from fluid and thermodynamic principles
Measurable outcomes (assessment method):
To be able to explain at a level understandable by a high
school senior or non-technical person what the various terms are in the
integral momentum equation and how jet propulsion works. (quiz, self-assessment)
To be able to apply control volume analysis and the integral
momentum equation to estimate the forces produced by aerospace propulsion
systems (homework, quiz, self-assessment)
To be able to describe the principal figures of merit
for aircraft engine and rocket motor performance and explain how they are
related to vehicle performance. (quiz, self-assessment)
Given weight, geometry, and aerodynamic and propulsion
system performance information, to be able to estimate the power required
for flight, the range, the endurance, and the time-to-climb for an aircraft.Ê
(homework, quiz, self-assessment)
Given mass fractions, and propulsion system performance
information, to be able to estimate the range and velocity of single-stage
rockets. (homework and quiz, self-assessment)
be able to describe the principal design parameters and constraints that
set the performance of gas turbine engines, and to apply ideal-cycle analysis
to a gas turbine engine to relate thrust and fuel burn to component-level
performance parameters and flight conditions. (homework, quiz, self-assessment)
To be able to explain at a level understandable by a high
school senior or non-technical person the energy exchange processes that
underlie the workings of multistage compressor or turbine, and to be able
to use velocity triangles and the Euler Turbine Equation to estimate the
performance of a compressor or turbine stage. (homework, quiz, self-assessment)